Ontario, CA Theft Crimes Attorney

Theft Crimes attorney near me
Arie Shamiulian Criminal Defense Attorney

Facing Theft Charges in Ontario, CA? Here’s What to Do Next

If you or a loved one has been arrested for a theft crime such as shoplifting, burglary, or robbery in Ontario, CA, you need legal representation right away to protect your rights.

As an alleged offender, the cards are already stacked against you in the criminal justice system.

Don’t go through this ordeal alone!

The attorneys at The Criminal and DUI Guys have successfully defended clients against all types of theft charges in Ontario, CA for years.

Call us at 951-338-6066 for aggressive and compassionate legal defense.

Consultations are always free and confidential.

Understanding Ontario Theft Crime Charges

Theft crimes allege you have taken someone else’s property illegally.

Some common theft charges in Ontario include:

  • Shoplifting – Taking store merchandise without paying
  • Petty Theft – Stealing items/cash worth less than $950
  • Grand Theft – Stealing items/cash exceeding $950
  • Burglary – Entering property with intent to steal
  • Robbery – Using force or threats to steal from a person

Theft charges range from misdemeanors to serious felonies punishable by years in prison.

Don’t wait and hope it goes away–penalty risks grow the longer your case sits unresolved.

What Should I Do if Arrested for Theft in Ontario?

Being questioned or jailed by police is scary.

But following these steps can improve your prospects:

Get Legal Help ASAP

Hire a skilled Ontario theft crimes lawyer before answering any substantive questions. Police want self-incriminating statements they can use against you.

An attorney keeps you silent.

Don’t Resist Officers

As upsetting as false allegations may be, stay calm and cooperative during arrest procedures to avoid extra charges. Let your lawyer handle asserting your innocence later.

Decline Requests to Search Property

Politely refuse to let officers search your bags, car, home, or electronic devices without a warrant. This protects your 4th Amendment rights.

Arrange for Bail ASAP

If jailed pre-trial, an attorney starts arranging bail to get you home quickly under court supervision. Don’t stew in jail awaiting trial dates.

Strategic Legal Defenses Against Theft Charges

Skilled lawyers know how to attack flawed theft cases by challenging:

  • Lack of Criminal Intent – You didn’t realize items weren’t paid for or you had consent to enter the property.
  • Mistaken Identity – Witnesses incorrectly singled you out among others present.
  • Illegal Search – Officers violated rights by detaining you without sufficient cause.
  • Unlawful Coercion – You were under duress from threats made by others present.

Leveraging these weaknesses, an attorney can possibly get charges lowered or dismissed pre-trial.

Know your rights and remember–self-incrimination is never mandatory.

Why Hire The Criminal & DUI Guys?

For an aggressive and proven theft crime defense in Ontario, call The Criminal and DUI Guys at 951-338-6066.

Our lead attorney Arie Shamuilian is a veteran California criminal law professor with many years successfully defending local clients like you against complex theft allegations.

Let his insider legal knowledge protect your freedom. Consultations are completely free and private.

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Attorney Arie is the best attorney you can deal with. Experienced, honest, professional and reasonable price. I had a serious case “Assault with firearm & Domestic violence” and he got a very good deal for me. Not only did he save me from jail, but he also reduce my felony to misdemeanor, terminated my probation early and expunged my record after only one year as promised me. I’m very thankful and happy with my rights law and highly recommend them.
- HA
Aire was most helpful during my case. He was always keeping me updated with court dates and helped me with understanding all the information I needed during my court dates. I never felt worried and was always calm since Arie is good at what he does.. I will for sure go back if I ever need any help or assistance again!
- AM
Aire was most helpful during my case. He was always keeping me updated with court dates and helped me with understanding all the information I needed during my court dates. I never felt worried and was always calm since Arie is good at what he does.. I will for sure go back if I ever need any help or assistance again!
- AM
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