Ontario, CA Felony Attorney

Felonies attorney near me
Arie Shamiulian Criminal Defense Attorney

Facing felony charges in Ontario, CA can be overwhelming and frightening. Whether it’s your first brush with the law or you’ve navigated legal troubles before, securing the right legal representation is crucial.

At The Criminal and DUI Guys, led by accomplished attorney and legal professor Arie Shamuilian, we understand the gravity of felonies and the life-altering consequences they may bring.

This page serves as your guide to understanding your rights and navigating the legal process if you’ve been charged with a felony in Ontario, CA.

For personalized guidance on your specific case, call us today for a free consultation: 951-338-6066.

What Defines a Felony in Ontario, California?

In California, felonies are the most serious criminal offenses, categorized into varying degrees based on their severity and potential penalties.

These penalties can range from 16 months to life in prison, along with substantial fines, restitution, and other long-term consequences that impact your career, education, and personal life.

Some common types of felonies in Ontario, CA, include:

  • Violent crimes: Murder, assault with a deadly weapon, robbery, arson.
  • Property crimes: Grand theft, burglary, embezzlement, fraud.
  • Drug offenses: Possession of controlled substances for sale, drug trafficking.
  • White-collar crimes: Money laundering, securities fraud, identity theft.
  • Sex offenses: Rape, child sexual abuse.

What to Do if You’re Charged with a Felony in Ontario, CA

  1. Remain Silent: Do not speak to the police without your attorney present. Anything you say can be used against you in court.
  2. Contact an Attorney Immediately: The earlier you connect with an experienced criminal defense attorney, the better they can analyze your case and build a strong defense.
  3. Gather Evidence: If possible, collect any documentation or materials that might support your innocence.
  4. Cooperate with Your Attorney: Be honest and transparent with your lawyer. Open communication is vital for building a successful defense strategy.
  5. Understand the Court Process: Your attorney will explain the stages involved in your case, including arraignment, preliminary hearings, discovery, trial, and sentencing.

Why Choose The Criminal and DUI Guys for Your Ontario, CA Felony Defense:

Experienced and Aggressive Defense: Attorney Arie Shamuilian has a proven track record of success in defending clients against serious felony charges.

Extensive Local Knowledge: Our team understands the nuances of the Ontario, CA legal system and court procedures.

Personalized Attention: We work closely with our clients, guiding them through every step of the process and addressing their concerns with compassion and respect.

Free Consultation: Get a confidential evaluation of your case and explore your legal options without obligation.

Call for a Free Consultation Today

Facing a felony charge in Ontario, CA can feel daunting. But remember, you don’t have to go through this alone.

Contact The Criminal and DUI Guys today at 951-338-6066 to schedule a free consultation with Attorney Arie Shamuilian.

We’ll help you understand your rights, navigate the legal system, and fight for the best possible outcome in your case.

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Attorney Arie is the best attorney you can deal with. Experienced, honest, professional and reasonable price. I had a serious case “Assault with firearm & Domestic violence” and he got a very good deal for me. Not only did he save me from jail, but he also reduce my felony to misdemeanor, terminated my probation early and expunged my record after only one year as promised me. I’m very thankful and happy with my rights law and highly recommend them.
- HA
Aire was most helpful during my case. He was always keeping me updated with court dates and helped me with understanding all the information I needed during my court dates. I never felt worried and was always calm since Arie is good at what he does.. I will for sure go back if I ever need any help or assistance again!
- AM
Aire was most helpful during my case. He was always keeping me updated with court dates and helped me with understanding all the information I needed during my court dates. I never felt worried and was always calm since Arie is good at what he does.. I will for sure go back if I ever need any help or assistance again!
- AM
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